Senate Passes FAA Reauthorization Bill

On Monday evening, March 22, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed legislation on reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Similar to the House bill passed last year, this bill does not include user fees, but asks for a slight increase in jet fuel taxes. It also includes an increased amount of funding for implementing NextGen.

“It has been a long road to get to this point, and the Senate and House must now come together in committee before the bill is sent to President Obama’s desk for signature, but the AEA is pleased to note that the general aviation industry was heard loud and clear — no user fees,” said Paula Derks, president of the Aircraft Electronics Association.

The reauthorization is for a two-year period and also includes funding for airport improvement programs, among other safety-enhancing features. The White House recently extended current funding through July 3, giving both the Senate and House time to confer in committee to create a final bill.