FAA expands applicability and revises SMS

On Friday, April 26, 2024, the Federal Aviation Administration published its final rule updating requirements for safety management systems and requiring certain certificate holders and commercial air tour operators to develop and implement a safety management system.

TCCA issues NPA for new SMS rules

Transport Canada Civil Aviation has published the notice of proposed amendment that lays out the proposal to change the safety management system requirements for the aviation industry.

AEA comments on FAA's MOSAIC proposal

Yesterday (Jan. 22, 2024), the Aircraft Electronics Association and the Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) submitted joint comments to the Federal Aviation Administration’s proposal for the Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification.

Aviation Digitalization Survey

The Aircraft Electronics Association and other leading aviation trade associations are issuing a survey to seek feedback from industry (manufacturers, maintainers, operators, lessors, etc.) that helps to identify current practices and regulatory issues associated with the digitalization of information within the aviation community.